Validates a sort code & account number
To connect to this service you'll need to use one of these endpoints:
Checks if a sort code is a valid UK or Ireland sort code, and retrieve additional information about the associated bank.
If an account number is also specified, checks if it is a potentially valid account number for that sort code.
The following parameters can be supplied to this method
username |
username apikey- , e.g.
password |
password |
sortCode | sortCode The sort code to validate. The formatting of this number does not matter, so can be supplied with or without the standard dashes. |
bankAccountNumber | bankAccountNumber If specified, indicates the account number to validate along with the |
options | options |
Advanced Options
The following options can be specified as part of the option
parameter. Each option is specified
as a key/value pair. The list of available names is shown below, along with a description of the allowable values
for that name.
Common Options | |
Name | Description |
ApplicationName | ApplicationName Gives the name of the calling application - used to break down usage by application in the usage reports on the dashboard |
Address Formatting Options |
There are a large number of options to control how the raw address details are combined & formatted for presentation. They are described in more detail with live interactive examples on the address formatting reference. A summary of the available options is also listed below. | |
Name | Description |
Formatter |
Formatter Pick from one of the available formatters to control how the raw address is converted into a human-readable address:
MaxLines | MaxLines The number of lines to format the address over. An additional line will be included at the end of the results for the postcode |
MaxLineLength | MaxLineLength The maximum number of characters that can appear in each address line |
FixTownCounty | FixTownCounty true to ensure that the town and county are returned in the last two address lines, or false if they should appear in the first available line |
FixBuilding | FixBuilding Ensures the building name/number is always placed in the first line |
NormalizeCase | NormalizeCase Converts all text in the address except the town name to proper case |
NormalizeTownCase | NormalizeTownCase Converts the town name to proper case |
UseAnyAvailableCounty | UseAnyAvailableCounty Uses any available county to populate the formatted address, not just the postal county |
ExcludeCounty | ExcludeCounty Excludes the county, if any, from the formatted address |
UnwantedPunctuation | UnwantedPunctuation A string containing any punctuation characters to be removed from the formatted address |
Service-Specific Options | |
Name | Description |
CountryCode | CountryCode The ISO 2-character code for the country the details are from. Currently supported values are "GB" and "IE". If not specified, "GB" is assumed. |
This method returns an object containing the following fields:
Status |
Status Success field is true , the other results described below can be used to get the results of the method.
If Success is false , some error occurred in calling the method, such as the authentication failed or the
account is out of credits. The details of the error can be obtained from the ErrorMessage field, and any other results should be ignored
Valid | Valid Indicates if the supplied details are valid. This can be one of the following values:
SortCode | SortCode Returns the sort code in a standardised format with dashes |
AccountNumber | AccountNumber The account number in a standardised format |
BICCode | BICCode The BIC code for the bank for this branch to be used with international payments |
IBAN | IBAN The IBAN number for this account to be used with international payments |
BranchName | BranchName The name of the bank branch. For most high-street banks, this will be the town name the branch is located in. |
ShortBankName | ShortBankName The normal accepted name of the bank |
FullBankName | FullBankName The full official name of the bank |
Address | Address The postal address of the branch. Note that this may not be the same as the physical location of the branch as many banks centralise all their operations |
AcceptsBACSPayments | AcceptsBACSPayments Indicates if the account can receive payments through the BACS network |
AcceptsDirectDebitTransactions | AcceptsDirectDebitTransactions Indicates if the account can be used to take Direct Debit payments |
AcceptsDirectCreditTransactions | AcceptsDirectCreditTransactions Indicates if the account can be used to take Direct Credit payments |
AcceptsUnpaidChequeClaimTransactions | AcceptsUnpaidChequeClaimTransactions Indicates if the bank can process claims for unpaid cheques |
AcceptsBuildingSocietyCreditTransactions | AcceptsBuildingSocietyCreditTransactions Indicates if the account can be used to take credits from building societies |
AcceptsDividendInterestPaymentTransactions | AcceptsDividendInterestPaymentTransactions Indicates if the account can be used to take credits from dividend payments |
AcceptsDirectDebitInstructionTransactions | AcceptsDirectDebitInstructionTransactions Indicates if the bank can process direct debit instructions |
AcceptsCHAPSPayments | AcceptsCHAPSPayments Indicates if the account can receive payments through the CHAPS network |
AcceptsCheques | AcceptsCheques Indicates if the account can receive payments by cheque |
AcceptsFasterPayments | AcceptsFasterPayments Indicates if the account can receive payments through the Faster Payments network |